不過比較可惜的是大部分的耳機無法在錄音室精準地呈現出應該有的音質與特性,也無法對樂迷們有所交代。不過,魔音耳機 Studio 版可是能輕易地滿足每一個專業音樂人挑剔的耳朵,當然也是熱愛音樂的您最佳選擇。Beats by Dre Studio版的設計及製作工藝可說是精確、最先進的音效輸出設計以及擴大效果與音質的淨與甜帶給您最棒,與所有專業音樂人同級的音樂享受。
HTC 新品-首搭Beats Audio

Beats by Dr. Dre 創辦人暨執行長兼 Interscope Geffen-A&M Records 董事長 Jimmy Iovine 表示:「HTC 和 Beats by Dr. Dre 的策略聯盟代表著兩家國際級公司重新定義全球智慧型手機未來走向。對 Beats by Dr. Dre 來說,如何消除數位音樂革命所造成對於音質的失真是我們的使命,我們期望重新詮釋音樂的傳達,讓消費者如同親臨現場,這就是我們努力的目標。」
HTC 與 Beats 早已啓動合作機制,致力為消費者提供卓越的音質體驗,HTC 預計今年秋季將推出一系列整合了 Beats 在音質上創新技術的無線通訊產品。
HTC 執行長暨總經理周永明表示:「Beats 最大的特點在於其引領消費者潮流的能力,這是其他品牌無法達到的境界。Beats by Dr. Dre 是一個極有魅力的品牌,它所提供的
是一種與眾不同的品牌體驗。相信雙方緊密的策略性合 作將可提供HTC的手機愛用者無懈可擊的音質體驗。HTC執著於消費者所期望的行動體驗的每個細節,而音質體驗是其中關鍵的一環。」
HTC 擅長將不同的內容、服務與裝置,設計整合成為獨特的行動經驗。而 Beats 的強項在於擁有獨特的品牌魅力與完整重現專業錄音室音質的能力,讓消費者清晰地接收到專業錄音室所錄製的每個細節,重現藝術家想要表達的優質音樂。這兩大品牌的結合將帶來卓越的行動音樂體驗,也將加速 HTC 進入全球年輕族群與配件相關產業。
Beats by Dr. Dre 日後營運將仍維持獨立,總裁兼營運長的 Luke Wood 與其創辦人的 Jimmy Iovine 將持續帶領公司未來的營運與成長。Beats 的團隊今後仍會持續主導與發展 Beats By Dr. Dre 的相關營運,包括與 Monster Cable Products Inc., 與 Chrysler Group LLC 等的合作。
魔音耳機 Monster Beats by Dr. Dre - "I Be Rockin' in Beats"
光棍節與魔音獨奏Monster Beats Solo HD 之邂姤
光棍節立誓不再當光棍。當天 (11/11/2011 ) 有兩對魔音迷在這特殊的日子結成連理,一對來自路易斯安那州的Amanda 與 Holly,另一對來自佛羅里達州的 Steve 與 Patty。
來自佛州的Michele 與 Daniel (魔音耳機愛用者)於2010年再線上交友網站認識。在今過ㄧ些訊息交談的魚雁往返後決定進一步見面,並在跨年時(1/1/2011 )正式的約會並渡過的一個歡樂的跨年夜。他們現在最喜歡的耳機是 Monster Beats Solo/魔音獨奏,”壹”這個數字自此成為這對情侶的幸運代表數字。從她們在網路上的PO文知道當時Daniel是如何浪漫又溫馨地的向Michele求婚,而當天又是個一的日子(7/11/2010)。讓我們祝福這對”壹”情侶”。
They aren't the only couple cashing in on the lucky date. Amanda and Holly from
(CBS) - Those of us who are superstitious have occasionally closed our eyes and made a wish at 11:
Michele and Daniel from Longwood,monster beats pas cher,
We wish them all luck. And don't forget to set your alarms for 11:11 p.m. tonight
"Our wedding day,
魔音耳機 Monster Beats by Dr. Dre - "I Be Rockin' in Beats"
魔音耳機 Monster Beats by Dr. Dre 購買資訊
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Lady GaGa 魔音耳機 / 三種色彩選擇 |
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白色 Monster Beats |
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紅色 Monster Beats |
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橘色 Monster Beats |
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藍色 Monster Bests |
魔音耳機 Monster Beats by Dr. Dre - "I Be Rockin' in Beats"
魔音耳機 Monster Beats by Dr. Dre - "I Be Rockin' in Beats"
Monster Beats by Dr. Dre - "I Be Rockin' in Beats" from Bobizzo on Vimeo.
Beats By Dr. Dre is a brand of headphones and loudspeakers marketed by hip-hop/rap musician Dr. Dre and Interscope-Geffen-A&M Records chairman Jimmy Iovine under Beats Electronics LLC.[1] There are six versions of the headphones and six versions of the earphones, which are manufactured and distributed under exclusive license by Monster Cable Products. As part of marketing strategy, the headphones often appear in music videos, movies, advertisements and other media.
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HTC 與 Monster Bests 聯手國際音樂市場 |
Headphones from the Beats family include the "Beats Solo HD," a high-definition on-ear headphone, which is available in red, black, or white. The red version is made specifically for Irish musician Bono's Product RED charity group. There is also the "Pro" model, an over-the-ear DJ headphone which is available in either black or white. The "Pro" is targeted towards the professional market. The "Beatbox" is a compact speaker with both an iPod dock and 3.5mm stereo jack The original "Studio" headphones released in 2008, which are an over-the-ear type headphone that incorporate a high-power digital amplifier and powered noise-cancelling requiring the use of 2 AAA batteries to operate..
Beats is partnered with HP to launch desktop and notebook computers with high-end audio capabilities.[2] They also partnered with Chrysler Motors to make the 300s with high end audio capabilities.[3] In August 2011 a majority stake was taken in the company by mobile phone manufacturer HTC after a $300 million investment.[4]
Dr. Dre Beats like Monster 音如魔 (Gino高 翻譯)
Dr. Dre ~ 本名 Andre Romelle Young (1965年2月18日 出生於美國)。他是一位專業的音樂人,在饒舌音樂界擁有盛名,也謂他的多才多藝與獨到的商業頭腦與眼光,跨足了唱片製作、饒舌歌手(Rapper)、同時也是一位企業家,目前是Aftermath Entertainment之CEO。他為許多知名的饒舌歌手如阿姆(Eminem)、Snoop Dogg(史奴狗狗)以及50 Cent製作了許多膾炙人口,働憾饒舌與流行樂界的許多專輯,也同時讓這些歌手穩佔饒舌天王的寶座。Dr.Dre是以西岸饒舌(West Coast G-funk)為主、慢拍加上重低音節奏是Dre的混音風格。
Dr. Dre 的音樂之路開始於加入 World Class Wreckin’ Cru,後來他的曲風被喜愛純饒舌並帶有暴力元素的街頭曲風之饒舌樂界所注意。其中影響他較深的不外乎Gnagata Rap Group、N.W.A with Eazy-E, Ice Cube, MC Ren & DJ Yella。他在1992年發行了個人單曲”The Chronic”,由Death Row Records,擠進美國最佳銷售之林並在1993年以單曲”Let Me Ride”榮獲葛萊美獎。1996年他離開了Death Row 並成立了自己的公司”Aftermath Entertainment”.在創立公司的同年,他完成了一張全新專輯”Dr. Dre Presents the Aftermath”。1999年又推出一張獨唱首選專輯”2001” ,這張專輯也在隔年獲得葛萊美獎最佳製作人獎!!
Andre Romelle Young (born February 18, 1965), primarily known by his stage name Dr. Dre, is an American record producer, rapper, record executive, entrepreneur, and occasional actor. He is the founder and current CEO of Aftermath Entertainment and a former co-owner and artist of Death Row Records. He has produced albums for and overseen the careers of many rappers signed to those record labels, such as Snoop Dogg, Eminem and 50 Cent. As a producer he is credited as a key figure in the popularization of West Coast G-funk, a style of rap music characterized as synthesizer-based with slow, heavy beats.
Dr. Dre began his career in music as a member of the World Class Wreckin' Cru and he later found fame with the influential gangsta rap group N.W.A with Eazy-E, Ice Cube, MC Ren, andDJ Yella which popularized the use of explicit lyrics in rap to detail the violence of street life. His 1992 solo debut, The Chronic, released under Death Row Records, led him to become one of the best-selling American performing artists of 1993 and to win a Grammy Award for the single "Let Me Ride". In 1996, he left Death Row to establish his own label, Aftermath Entertainment. Under that label, he produced a compilation album titled Dr. Dre Presents the Aftermath in 1996, and released a solo album titled 2001 in 1999, for which he won the Grammy producer's award the next year.
魔音耳機 Monster Beats by Dr. Dre - "I Be Rockin' in Beats"
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